October 28, 2019

Sharing Treats this Halloween: Getting Kids Excited about the Spirit of Giving

Author National Philanthropic Trust

When it comes to holidays with a charitable focus, Halloween may take a backseat to Thanksgiving. But even on a holiday devoted to frights and collecting candy, you can instill a spirit of giving.

To inspire a sense of giving in your children, look for causes they can relate to and actively support.

Let them be a hero—for Unicef. Remember those little orange boxes? Asking for donations for Unicef, which began 69 years ago, remains a Halloween fundraising tradition. Over the decades, the pennies, nickels and dimes children collect have added up to $175 million, according to the nonprofit. The funds are used to help children around the world receive immunizations, education, emergency relief and more. Your children can make their own collection boxes by printing out a DIY label wrapper and gluing it onto a box or can. While they’re busy constructing, take time to talk to them about the issues facing children around the world. They may be excited to learn that by collecting just $1, they can provide safe water to a child for more than two months.

Recycle princess tiaras and superhero capes. When your children are finished with a Halloween costume, ask them if they would consider donating it to an organization that collects and distributes gently used costumes to children in need. You can also call local organizations, such as your nearest YMCA or children’s hospital, to see if they are collecting costumes.

Encourage your kids to share their sweets. Yes, it may be a hard sell—but giving up a portion of something tangible will teach children a lot about generosity. They may take pride, too, knowing that their “hard-earned candy” is supporting U.S. troops or their local food bank.

Have a ghoulish time. You don’t have to trick-or-treat to raise funds. Let your kids throw a Halloween fundraising event, such as a scary movie night or pumpkin carving contest, to raise funds for a favorite cause. Consider matching your child’s fundraising efforts by making a grant recommendation from your donor-advised fund to your child’s designated charity. Together you can make Halloween the sweetest holiday—for all the best reasons.

If you would like to learn how your family can use a donor-advised fund to have a deeper impact on your favorite causes, please call NPT at (888) 878-7900 or email us at npt@nptrust.org.


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