December 19, 2019

2019 in Review: NPT’s Most Popular Blog Posts

Author Amy Gianficaro, Vice President of Institutional Marketing

As the year draws to a close, it’s a great time to look back at what resonated most with readers of The Philanthropist. We found that 2019’s most read blog posts cover a wide range of topics, from philanthropic trends to how to develop a giving strategy. This makes our Top 10 list a good starting place—both for those new to philanthropy as well as seasoned pros looking to catch up on important topics in the sector. Interested in learning more? Simply click each link to read the full story.

2019 Philanthropy Trends to Watch: In January, Eileen Heisman, NPT’s President and CEO and one of the country’s foremost experts in philanthropy, explored the trends she expected in the charitable giving sector for the coming year. Was she spot on? We think so.

Can I Use My DAF for That? NPT’s General Counsel Gil Nusbaum explains when a donor-advised fund can—and cannot—be used, answering complex questions about pledges and bifurcated donations.

What Fundraisers Need to Know about DAFs: If you are a fundraiser, you can’t afford not to know about philanthropy’s fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle.

Converting a Foundation to a DAF: Meet Andrew and Katherine, two siblings who converted the foundation their father started years ago into something that meets their giving needs today: a donor-advised fund.

Get Before You Give: Honing Your Charitable Strategy: NPT’s Chief Philanthropic Services Officer Jenna Mulhall-Brereton walks readers through how to develop a charitable strategy, suggesting five things that are critical to “get” before you give.

Four Reasons to Talk to Clients about DAFs: Retention, referrals and other reasons why NPT’s Chief Development Officer Andrew Hastings says financial advisors should talk with clients about charitable giving vehicles. (This blog was the first of our DAF Insights for Advisors seriesa toolkit for advisors who want to learn how to guide their clients through strategies to maximize giving.)

Donor Collaboration: How NPT Philanthropists are Working Together to Increase Impact: Learn how two innovative public-private partnerships, facilitated by NPT, are helping to invest in Philadelphia’s neighborhoods and combat college debt in Pennsylvania.

Charities Providing Relief from Midwest Flooding: Whenever disaster strikes, NPT helps donors quickly identify relief organizations. This year, readers especially looked for guidance in finding charities that were helping individuals and families affected by flooding in the midwestern United States.

What Is Due Diligence? The Things NPT Asks Before Approving Your Grant: Ellen McGuinn, NPT’s Chief Financial Officer, provides a behind-the-scenes look at the critical questions our grants team must answer before approving a grant recommendation.

Through The Philanthropist, NPT shares the experience and deep expertise of our staff to help realize our mission of increasing philanthropy in society. As we look forward to a new year, we hope to continue to inform and inspire our donors and their advisors so that they can give more to the causes they care about.