November 26, 2012

Give Thanks, then Give Back

Author Eileen R. Heisman, ACFRE, Founding President and CEO

Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Now… #GivingTuesday.

It was only a matter of time until the charitable sector created our own day to raise awareness and encourage philanthropic activity. This year marks the first-ever #GivingTuesday—an effort launched by nonprofit organizations and supported by a wide spectrum of large, private corporations, media outlets and charities.

It seems natural that after a day dedicated to giving thanks, Americans would find a day to give back.  I am proud that NPT is a partner to #GivingTuesday as it furthers our mission to increase philanthropy in society.

In #GivingTuesday’s inaugural year, NPT is honored to spread the word to our friends and colleagues. To learn more about the #GivingTuesday movement, visit their website, or check out the ways NPT is promoting it on our newsroom.