April 12, 2023

How Donors Can Address the Climate Crisis Through Philanthropy

Author National Philanthropic Trust

The climate crisis is no longer an abstract threat. In January 2023, the National Centers for Environmental Information reported that this year is “virtually certain” to rank in the top ten warmest on record. This rise in temperature fuels a rise in natural disasters and humanitarian crises globally, and ignoring climate change’s role in these events undercuts the effectiveness of addressing the needs of those most vulnerable to climate change-driven crises.

Climate change is caused by a parallel increase of greenhouse gases present in the Earth’s atmosphere and a decrease in sufficient absorption or ways to capture those gases. The increase in greenhouse gases—like carbon dioxide and methane—in our atmosphere causes global temperatures to rise, setting off a chain reaction affecting every environmental system on the planet.

Current climate data strongly indicates that the consequences of decision-making during the next decade regarding the climate crisis will be felt for millennia. Governments, businesses and individuals across the globe have a part to play in combatting climate change, and while philanthropy alone will not solve the climate crisis, it can be incredibly impactful. For donors interested in identifying and implementing climate change solutions, discerning how to give to climate initiatives can seem overwhelming.

To help donors build their climate-related giving portfolio, National Philanthropic Trust has created this insightful climate crisis guide, which presents:

  • A detailed explanation of the most pressing issues related to climate change and an exploration of several evidence-based adaptation and mitigation efforts
  • An outline of how you can construct a climate-related giving portfolio that reflects your dedication to supporting climate solutions
  • Guidance on how to engage and give collaboratively
  • An easy-to-use worksheet that will help you define your philanthropic purpose
  • A list of additional educational resources for those interested in learning more

A well-informed and actively engaged philanthropist can have a significant impact in the efforts against climate change by supporting organizations committed to solving this crisis.

NPT’s team of experts will be your partners in this crucial endeavor. Download our new Climate Issue Guide below.

About the Author

Alison Morse is NPT’s Vice President, Philanthropic Consulting and advises donors with philanthropic strategy and issue-based expertise. Prior to joining NPT, Alison served as a Senior Director at Geneva Global, where she led the Donor Advising practice. She leads multiple engagements with clients who are seeking advisory services to accelerate their giving. She oversees projects that range from coaching donors on giving strategies to conducting research on specific issues of interest. Alison shifted to the field of philanthropy after spending nearly a decade working in non-profits focused on human rights and women’s health.