Top 10 DAF Charities by Grants

NPT has been tracking data for over 1,000 charities that sponsor donor-advised funds (DAFs) for the last several years. As DAFs have become increasingly popular, it has been interesting to see where donors are opening DAFs and how actively they are making grants to support the causes and organizations that are important to them.
The charities that granted the most from DAFs over the past two recorded years are:
Grants in 2013
1. Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund – $1,799,480,559
2. National Christian Foundation – $654,551,248
3. Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving – $595,188,081
4. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program – $501,164,569
5. Silicon Valley Community Foundation – $298,204,908
6. National Philanthropic Trust – $274,170,405
7. Jewish Communal Fund of New York – $272,152,752
8. Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund – $208,909,774
9. Network for Good – $191,696,541
10. Goldman Sachs Charitable Gift Fund – $155,459,166
Grants in 2014
1. Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund – $2,209,831,738
2. Silicon Valley Community Foundation – $822,447,176
3. Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving – $814,389,306
4. National Christian Foundation – $811,659,673
5. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program – $597,472,410
6. National Philanthropic Trust – $418,470,541
7. Jewish Communal Fund of New York – $328,420,609
8. Network for Good – $230,292,245
9. Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund – $216,652,763
10. Greater Kansas City Community Foundation – $185,298,641
These charities represent some of the largest DAFs in the country, both by charitable assets and by dollars granted out. The charities jockeying for the Top 10 largest DAF grantmakers have largely stayed the same over the past several years. NPT is currently collecting data for our 2016 Donor-Advised Fund Report, which will analyze data for fiscal year 2015. We are interested to see which charities granted the most and whether the Top 10 will change with new charities entering the ranks.