November 8, 2016

What can you learn from the 2016 Donor-Advised Fund Report?

Author National Philanthropic Trust

NPT is looking forward to releasing our tenth annual Donor-Advised Fund Report later this month. Donor-advised funds continue to be front-page news in the charitable world. In fact, the Chronicle of Philanthropy just announced that a charity that sponsors donor-advised funds is now the largest charity in America.

There are three major questions that this year’s report answers:

  • What does the historical change in grantmaking from donor-advised funds mean for other charities?
  • How does the change in all metrics between 2014 and 2015 compare to the historical rates over these last few years of explosive growth?
  • Is the rate of growth for donor-advised fund charitable assets finally tapering or is 20+ % annual growth the “new normal?”

Donor-advised funds are philanthropy’s most popular giving vehicle—NPT’s 2016 Donor-Advised Fund Report will help explain why.